Who was Jesus the Christ?  Why did He come and What was the purpose of His visit?
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Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:57

May the Ancient of Days Bless Us in 2022!

My thought a few years ago was to be able to present the Gospel of the Christ in a nutshell!

After pondering this for several years and coming up with several scenarios I could present in a few minutes that are rather good, I decided to peruse the internet and see if someone else had any in a nutshell variation and what they used.

Uh, no!  They are so widely varied and so long they forgot the nutshell!

So, I’m going to give you my version and we will flesh it out over time while we explore Jesus and why He came, His purpose and why we should care.

The Gospel in a nutshell!  (By the way, the ancient text says it is so simple a child can understand it! 😊)

  • The ancient powers that are, (Elohim) (God, the Godhead, 3 in One) wanted someone to love and love them back so they created the heavens, the earth, the angels (hosts of heavens) and man.  God is one but plural, acts as one but is presented in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • One third of the angels lead by Lucifer rebelled against God and He kicked them out of heaven and evil was born out of Satan’s (Lucifer’s) arrogance and vanity.
  • The evil one then tempts the first man and woman into rebellion and sin entered the bloodline of mankind.
  • God introduces His law to man to show him his need for salvation.  Without God no man can redeem himself as mankind was unable to keep God’s law by his own will.
  • Knowing that the sacrifice of animals would never satisfy a pure and Holy God, He (God) decided that the situation in the heart of mankind required a perfect sacrifice.
  • So, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, God came to be the perfect sacrifice Himself!        
  • He chose to come down from His throne, take on the blood of mankind with its genetically carried sin and die as the once and for all sacrifice to redeem us back to His Father!
  • He is the only one who could do it as God demanded a perfect sacrifice and only God himself fit that description.  He became man because man carried the sin!  Only God could do it because only God is perfect! 
  • God never asked anyone else to be the sacrifice for His creation, He did it Himself!  It started with Love and Jesus the perfect sacrifice finished it with Love!  No one sacrifices themselves unless they Love!
  • After His sacrifice Jesus sat down on the throne at the right hand of the Father and rests until it is time to bring His family home to His Father.
  • In order to become family, you must be saved.
  • So, what must you do to be saved?  Accept the freely given gift of Love! 
  • How do you do that?
  • Hebrews 11:6 – Believe that He IS and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
  • Luke 13 – Jesus said, “Except you repent, you will perish.”
  • You first must take it on faith that Jesus IS and that He is God.  Then you must repent of the sin in your life, ask Him to forgive you and begin a relationship with your creator.

Whew!  Well, that is my nutshell. 😊

Did it raise more questions?  LOL

It did!  Good, then let us explore the answers going forward,



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