Who was Jesus the Christ?  Why did He come and What was the purpose of His visit?
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Saturday, February 26, 2022, 08:10


Why would God step down from a place of Glory and become a man?

Because he loves us!

John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Jesus called us Friends.  God looks at us that way!

Proverbs 17:17

A friend always loves….

You see God gave us a choice and our ancestors messed it up.

They made the wrong choice, so sin entered the blood (genetics) of man. Passed down from generation to generation.

God knew that we would never be able to follow all the rules of the first covenant without help. So,

He came to be born of a virgin, accepted the polluted genetics of man into himself and died as a perfect sacrifice, God, and man.

You see it had to be Jesus, only He is perfect God and only He was perfect man.

The manuscripts say He was tempted in everything humans are tempted in and came out perfect. Only God + Man could do that. No man has ever been perfect.

Only that combination could be Messiah!

God is Holy, Holy, Holy

Only a perfect sacrifice would do! All the goats, doves and sheep that were sacrificed were just a way to show us that we needed help! We could not be holy without Him.

We were created for Him, to be loved by Him and love Him in return.

It is the reason for our existence, this bond, this Love, this place with Him.

He made the way of restoration himself.


16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

But you say ok, “So He was God, I’m not!”

Yes, but you can take on all the attributes of Jesus by accepting His gift of freedom!

And it is freedom!

And it is free.

“He died for us so we could be free”

You do not have to do anything to yourself or change anything about yourself!

God always does all the work!


The only thing you must do is accept His gift.

Say yes Lord, I accept your free gift. Come into my heart and clean this sinner up.

He makes all things new.

He makes all people new.

He is the God of multiple chances.

He is the greatest forgiver.

He takes more abuse than we can imagine.

He still Loves Us!

You will never know another like Him, our Creator.






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